Setup Wordpress Blog in Your Own Computer

Yesterday, I spent several hours to setup wordpress blog. Wordpress is installed really easy. Next, I will guide you to wordpress setup, but first let me give you why I wanna try wordpress. I have try blogger and it is not easily customized (or I don't know how :D) I wanna have several plugins but it can only be installed via 'add page element' (html thing) and I found it uneasy. Of course as a blogger newbie I wanna try each element one by one and I for that I need internet connection. Wordpress win in this area; I can setup wordpress blog in my own computer and try several plugins without internet connection (My internet connection is not fast ~ 20 to 35 kbps for real ~ even they said that it is a broadband network) and after you find your wordpress blog nice you can upload it to your website easily. Wow that's what I said convinience.

These are steps for Wordpress setup in your own computer :

1. You will need Xampp as your http server. Download Xampp here. (choose the windows installer)
2. Install Xampp to your own desired folder and make sure you enable apache and mysql as services.
3. Now your Xampp is running.
4. Download wordpress setup installer here.
5. Extract it to \htdocs\
6. Now open your browser and type localhost for the address.
7. Open the phpMyAdmin tab in the Tools tab on the left.
8. On the Create new database field, type Wordpress (or your desired database name) and choose the utf8_unicode_ci as your collation, and click create.
9. Open wp-config-sample.php on \htdocs\wordpress\ (you can open it with notepad)
10. Change 'putyourdbnamehere' with 'your desired database name' (the one you create on phpMyAdmin), 'usernamehere' with 'root' , and 'yourpasswordhere' with 'your desired database password'.
11. Save wp-config-sample.php as wp-config.php
12. Open your browser again and type http://localhost/wordpress/wp-admin/install.php
13. Fill the field with your desired blog thing and viola, Wordpress is installed on your own computer.
14. You can download wordpress plugin here.
15. If you need more documentation, visit wordpress codex.

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