Financial Revolution e-book PreLaunch

Have you guys known Tung Desem Waringin? He is the best motivator and public speaker in Indonesia. He already written several books, one of them is Financial Revolution. This book is sold over 10,000 copies in only 1 day in Indonesia. Now he is going to launch this book in e-book format. It’s dual-language, English and Bahasa. Now, here is the good part. . . Read carefully. . .

On two months time, he is going to launch the e-book via internet. He is going to take the challenge of 60 minutes. It means that he is going to sell his e-book over the internet and challenge for US$20,000 income. It will be recorded by the media, i.e. TV. The exact time still hasn’t been announced but you can feed this blog and follow the news. Now, what’s our benefit then? . . . . I’m a little bit furious right now… If you buy the e-book, you can be his affiliate, and you can get a 70% commission for you sales. That’s right, 70%. But this is only valid in 60 minutes time. After that, you will only get 50% commission. So what are you waiting for? Build your list and tell as many people as possible. FYI, those who buy this e-book, even from your affiliate link will be his affiliate too and can gain the 70% benefit from their affiliate link. What are you waiting for?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

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